Our Thoughts (8)

Human Resources | Salary | Pay | Hiring

Salary History Bans & What To Do About It

Recently, I performed an informal poll of my LinkedIn connections because I was curious about a topic that has been of concern in the HR world. Each m...

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Staffing | Project Management

Project Management? Independent Contractor vs. Contract Staffing

Often when a new project is in development a Project Managers (PM) must ask several questions when developing their plan. The most important being, “H...

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Human Resources | COVID-19 | Nursing

Nurse Recognition = Nurse Retention

Nurse Recognition is more important than ever Understaffed. Overworked. Lack of proper Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). Morale busting, overpaid t...

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Human Resources | COVID-19 | Talent Acquisition

How Recruitment Process Outsourcing adds value in a Pandemic World

RPO reduces overhead, adds stability and scalability Spring 2020 will forever be remembered as the point in time in which the global economy came to a...

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Human Resources | COVID-19 | Talent Acquisition | Data

Recruitment Solutions in a COVID-19 World

The future of your Talent Acquisition team is here. Spring 2020 will forever be remembered as the point in time in which the global economy came to a ...

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Talent Acquisition | Data

Data Solves Recruitment Questions

endevis partners with EMSI to provide free recruitment data to help you answer vital questions! Earlier this year, endevis RPO partnered with EMSI, a ...

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Apps offer stress-reduction techniques to frontline nurses & employees

The mental health of nurses on the frontlines of the COVID-19 pandemic is being compromised.

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Human Resources | COVID-19

The New Workplace: 6 Must-Haves

"Opening Up America Again" workplace edition With the upcoming relaxation of COVID-19 related quarantine rules in many states, organizations are plann...

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Human Resources | COVID-19 | Talent Acquisition

Shortage of nurses? See how your state ranks against its peers.

Shedding light on your state's nurses per capita and how it stacks up to the rest of the U.S. Thanks to the British Journal of Anaesthesia, we know th...

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Talent Acquisition | Healthcare

The Cost of Registered Nurse Vacancies

Have you ever tried to measure how much your RN vacancies cost your hospital? For nearly a decade the healthcare industry has been battling an ongoing...

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Human Resources | COVID-19 | Talent Acquisition

COVID-19 brings sought after changes to the recruitment process

Coronavirus brings necessary changes to recruiting in an unfortunate time Innovation in Human Resources and Talent Acquisition has been occurring at a...

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Human Resources | COVID-19 | Talent Acquisition

Free HR & Talent Acquisition Resources in COVID-19

Maximize your HR & Talent Acquisition resources through the Coronavirus pandemic While it is as crazy a time as we have ever seen; it is now a gre...

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