endevis | Our Thoughts

Interview Tips and Tricks

Written by endevis | Jan 12, 2022 6:00:00 AM

Are you dreading the job interview process because you are worried about what to do or say???  With the new year coming up, you might be ready for a career shift.  Take a look at these tips and tricks to ace your next interview!

1. Research the Company

Research the company before hand.  Look into their values, what services they provide, etc.  If they have a meet the team page, maybe you can learn about the person who is interviewing you and their role within the company.  Most of the time, interviewers will ask if you have researched their company and if you have any questions about what they do.  It will go a long way if they can see that you took the initiative to research them.

2. Practice!!

Look up common interview questions, and practice with another person.  Have them ask questions and practice what you are going to say.  It is ok to take a few seconds to think about what you want to say in an interview, but if you are prepared for questions ahead of time, it makes you appear more confident. 

You should be prepared to discuss salary and compensation.  Do research on your role and experience level so that you can provide a reasonable range to your prospective employer.

3. Be prepared for anything.

You should be prepared for anything that the employer asks about your past experience. Here is a list of things that you should have on hand just in case!

  • previous work examples
  • expected salary range
  • list of references
  • copies of your resume
  • notebook and pen

Sometimes, the employer will ask at the end of the interview if you have any questions for them.  Remember this is just as much your interview as it is theirs.  It is not just about seeing if you are a good fit for them, but finding our if they are a good fit for you.  Ask questions about why they enjoy this company, what a typical day looks like, or what skills you need to have for the job. 

4.  Plan your outfit 

Have your outfit for the interview ready to go no later than the night before.  This will take off some stress the morning of!  Look at their website to see how professionally you need to dress.  However, it is better to be overdressed then underdressed!

5.  Arrive 10-15 minutes early

Schedule enough time to arrive at the interview at least 15 minutes early.  It is better to have to sit and wait a few minutes than to be late!

6.  Make a good impression

A great first impression will go a long ways with the prospective employer.  Smile, shake their hand, make eye contact, practice good manners, and sit up straight.  Interviews are a time to get to know your personality and how you could fit into the company, so make sure that you project yourself as a confident and professional person.  Respect everyone that you encounter as well, not just the person conducting the interview.

7.  Be truthful, authentic, and concise

Your answers should be your answers.  Be truthful when answering questions. Talk about difficult situations that you have been in honestly, if asked.  Keep answers concise as well.  No one wants to hear every single detail of your life.  This is where practicing beforehand will help!  Also, do not speak negatively about other employers.  If you are speaking negatively about them, the interviewer is going to think that this his how you will speak about him or her.

After the interview

Send a thank you note or a follow up email.  Make sure that you have thanked them for their time and that you are looking forward to hearing from them.  

Following these steps will help you present your best self for your next interview!